Running 100km in a month for Women’s Aid: Day 31

5.72km run -> 100/100km complete!!

Today’s run, the final run, was a decent length for me and felt even longer for a couple of reasons. It was in a different city which I’d never been to, and I arrived there late so I ran while it was dark but tried to pick a lit-up route with people on it. I ended up accidentally running a very short stint of it a little away from people, and it was there that I saw a man very creepily stick his head out from around a corner and then duck back after making eye contact with me. I turned and sprinted back towards people and made the rest of my run very boring by running up and down the same stretch where there was light and people around.

I actually made sure I was in an area with at least one woman until that group left and I moved closer to the area of restaurants with lots of people outside. I don’t enjoy running the same stretch over and over but felt the need to after my encounter with the strange lone man. A fitting and terrifying way to end a fundraiser for a very worthy cause – Women’s Aid.

Delighted and relieved to have made it to the end of the 100km!

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